Professional Web Design in Frisco TX Drives Local Traffic

Although it started out as a way to improve and increase the speed of communication, the Internet has proven to be a useful marketing tool for business. It’s the rare company that doesn’t yet have a virtual presence on the World Wide Web; some may be “old-school,” going out of their way to avoid technology at any cost, while others might not fully grasp the potential of marketing on the Internet. “Sure, I can see how national companies would benefit from a website,” they may reason. “My business is local, though. I need to attract local customers.” However, the Internet has a track record for attracting local business, so really, businesses in Texas looking to build a website would benefit from experts in web design in Frisco TX.

If you’re wondering how a medium that is designed to reach the far corners of the earth will help drive traffic to your local storefront, consider the findings of a 2013 survey conducted by SEO guru site BrightLocal. Ninety-five percent of people surveyed said they use the Internet to find local businesses, and 37 percent say they use it at least once a month for that purpose. Shouldn’t knowing that people in Frisco are looking for a business like yours right now, make you get a website going or, if you have one already, consult a specialist in web design in Frisco TX to polish it up?

There are plenty of DIY companies that provide you with templates and simplistic tutorials for creating a website on your own. If you aren’t a professional designer, though, do you know about the issues CIO lists as important concerns when designing a website, such as a professional logo and its use, intuitive navigation and the strategic use of color? Consulting a web design specialist is the best way to ensure that your website hits a home run with local customers right from the start.

When you’re ready for professional assistance with your website, contact Osky Blue. They’re the results-driven web design company and SEO specialists who know how to get your local business noticed by local customers. For web design in Frisco TX no one can top their cutting-edge marketing techniques that unite professional website design with SEO best practices that include blogging, social media and content distribution. It’s time for your Frisco business to up its local traffic game. Call Osky Blue today for a free SEO checkup for your existing website or a consultation for building a new one.

Osky Blue | Web Design Frisco TX | (866) 675-9411


Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com/ m o n k e y b u s i n e s s

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