Web Design McKinney TX: Why Your Business Needs Responsive Web Design

If you’re a small business owner without a lot of computer/internet savvy, you probably hear a lot of words and phrases related to putting your business online that end up confusing you more than educating you.  That’s why, if you’re trying to understand web design in McKinney TX, it’s best to work with a company like ours at Osky Blue that has the web design experts who can explain and simplify everything you need to know about giving your business a functional, online presence.

At Osky Blue, we can tell you that one of the most important words you need to learn about web design in McKinney TX is ‘responsive.’  What exactly is responsive web design and why is it important?  Here’s what you need to know:

What responsive web design is.

Responsive web design is an approach to designing websites that allows them to resize or ‘respond’ to different types of devices being used to access them, like laptops, tablets and smartphones.

What responsive web design looks like.

Start with a typical ‘fixed’ website – one that doesn’t respond to different devices.  On a laptop or desktop, the website will look and work the way it’s supposed to.  If it has a three-column design or large graphics, they’ll be easy to see and to navigate.  But if you try to access the same website on a smaller device, like a tablet, you’ll have to scroll left or right to see the whole picture.  In addition, graphics and other elements can become distorted or even hidden from view.  When you scale down even further and try to view the site on a smartphone, the problems only get worse.  Not only will it be difficult to see the whole screen as it was intended to be seen, it may take a long time to load a graphics-heavy site on a cell phone.  A responsive web design in McKinney TX will automatically adjust.  If the laptop version of a website has three columns, the tablet version will scale down to two and the smartphone version will scale down to one.  In addition, graphics and images will resize to fit the device and eliminate distortion.

Why you need responsive design.

Look around you.  Everyone has a smartphone or tablet, including you.  In a recent Pew Research Center study, they found that 64% of American adults own a smartphone and 50% own a tablet and for these adults, these devices are their main entry point to the internet.  So it just makes sense to make your website one that they can easily see and use no matter what kind of device they pick up.  And, of course, if you don’t use responsive web design, chances are your competitors will.

Ready to find out more?  Call us at Osky Blue for help with your responsive web design in McKinney TX at (866) 675-9411.  You can also visit us online at https://oskyblue.com to find out more about us and what we can do for your business.

Osky Blue | Web Design McKinney TX | (866) 675-9411

Photo Credit:  ©Depositphotos.com/ JohanH

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