Full-Service Digital Marketing

Flexible, Powerful: Our Custom Full-Service Frisco, Digital Marketing Company

There’s no one right way to do digital marketing for businesses. In fact, even the right marketing strategy for your business might not be right all the time. As your business needs to change, whether seasonally or permanently, your marketing strategy should change with it. That’s where our custom full-service digital marketing comes in!

This premier service is our most comprehensive, flexible, and data-driven digital marketing solution. We work directly with you to develop a Custom Marketing Plan with monthly campaigns designed to achieve your goals and operate within your budget. No cherry-picking services – instead, we recommend and execute the tactics we believe will deliver the best results.

How Does Custom Full-Service Digital Marketing by Osky Blue Work?

Custom Full-Service Digital Marketing is a 2-Phase program: Planning and Execution. It works because we take the time to learn about your business, understand your market, review your existing web presence, and then develop a full marketing plan.

Phase 1: Discovery and Planning
Before we can do our best work, we need to learn as much as we can! Phase 1 includes:

  • Discovery Meeting – An in-depth strategy meeting to review your business goals, explore past marketing efforts, and brainstorm marketing campaigns.
  • Digital Presence Review – An exhaustive audit of your existing web presence. Includes a UX, SEO, and technical review of your website, a review of ad and social channels, your analytics data, and competitor analysis.
  • Custom Marketing Plan – The heart of our Custom Full-Service Digital Marketing services. We develop a full month-to-month marketing plan with defined monthly campaigns, timelines, service recommendations, tracking information, and deliverables. Our service recommendations may include:
    • Content marketing: blogs, press releases, video
    • Website updates and search optimization (SEO)
    • Graphic design
    • Google Adwords advertising / PPC
    • Social advertising: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more
    • Social posting
    • Lead generation and email marketing
    • Business listing setup and optimization
    • And more!
  • Marketing Assets Setup – We set up any necessary marketing channels, services, and data tracking needed to support your first campaigns.

Phase 2: Execution and Consultation
With your plan in place, we execute the approved campaigns, facilitating all setups, reviews, and approvals needed on a monthly basis. This ongoing service includes:

  • Additional Marketing Asset Setup – If we need it, we build it.
  • Execution of Monthly Campaigns –  Your campaigns become fully realized and put into action, including the creation of all assets, review, approval, tracking, and reporting on campaign performance.
  • Monthly Consultation & Reporting – A monthly meeting with your project manager to review campaign performance, outline recommended actions, and discuss upcoming campaigns.

How Does Pricing Work?

Our Custom Full-Service Digital Marketing is designed to adapt to your individual needs and means, so it is viable for a wide range of marketing budgets. Services are charged hourly with a minimum monthly expectation. For full pricing and service details, Request a Quote today!