Logo Design: An Essential Part of Dallas Web Design

A fantastic logo is a key element of marketing and Dallas web design. It is the first thing to “touch” your clients.  It is what they see in their minds when they think of your business.  It attracts new customers and is key in brand recognition.  Your logo, in one simple image becomes the voice of your company. Investing in the right design for your company logo is money well spent. If you have a logo already, consider whether or not it’s doing all it can for your company. Here are some of the elements that make a great logo:

As in most important decisions, the first step to creating a great logo is research.  What kind of people are you trying to reach.  What are their collective ideals and interests. What messages are you trying to portray to them?  What persona do you want to bring to your company.  Knowing these things ahead of time will give your designers a platform to work from.  Be clear and detailed when discussing your expectations for your logo. From there, your web design team in Dallas, can further research the industry you’re working in; what has worked for others and what hasn’t.

A logo needs to be memorable.  Many people are visual learners, meaning a client can often more easily recall a logo than a company name.  The logo should be simple enough to be easily describable, thus making it easier to remember. If it is too complex or detailed, it will make it difficult to decipher when it is not blown up on the side of your truck.  Think stationary: what will it look like in the corner of an envelope or at the top of your web page?  Also consider what the logo will look like in black and white, like in the header of a faxed memo.  A logo should look good with or without color.

Does your logo stand out?   Your logo needs to rise above the rest. It sets you apart visually from all of your competitors.  It should be unique, and attractive, yet communicative.  In one simple image, it can tell your clients who you are and why you are better than the rest.
Many business owners discredit the importance of having a well designed logo.  So, what happens if your logo stinks?  A poorly designed logo may simply not get the attention your business needs to launch an effective marketing strategy.  A bad logo may not accurately represent your business or it’s interests.  If it isn’t clear what your logo is trying to convey, than clients will make all kinds of assumptions. If these assumptions end up reflecting negatively upon your business, it can make your potential clients dislike or even hate your brand.

This is why Osky Blue includes professional logo design in their new Dallas website design package. Call today to see what Osky Blue can do for your small business!

Osky Blue | Dallas Web Design | (866) 675-9411

Photo Credit:  ©Depositphotos.com/http://depositphotos.com/15846455/stock-illustration-Set-of-logo-and-icons.html?sqc=6&sqm=75471&sq=20lwtd

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