5 Targeting Strategies to Find Your Audience With Facebook Ads

5 Targeting Strategies to Find Your Audience With Facebook Ads

By | Published May 30, 2016

Facebook Ads Frisco TXWhen the average time spent on Facebook equals approximately 40 minutes each day, using Facebook ads to advertise your business or product is a good way to reach a big audience easily. Figuring out what audience you want to target can be difficult with the endless targeting combinations that can leave your head spinning. Your objective will always help determine your targeting method, but here are 5 targeting strategies to give you a start:

  1. Those who visit a specific web page
  2. Visitors to your website
  3. Fans
  4. Lookalike audiences
  5. Friends of fans layering

Osky Blue can help you identify the right target audiences to give you optimum success with your Facebook ads in Frisco, TX. Call us today at (888)675-9411 or visit us online at www.oskyblue.com for more information.

Osky Blue | Facebook Ads Frisco TX | (866) 675-9411

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