Case Study: IT Company Gets the Word Out Fast

Case Study: IT Company Gets the Word Out Fast

By | Published April 26, 2017

Bizbang Sees Near-Top Search Ranking Within Days of Launching New Service with Help from Osky Blue

Project Goals

Bizbang was introducing a new trademarked service called PCaaS10TM, which is a specific form of PCaaS (PC as a Service), that was beginning to create buzz in the IT community. The client wanted their site to rank well on Google for both the acronym and phrase to attract more businesses interested in this service.


Our Solution

Osky Blue identified several resources currently ranking for PCaaS and PC as a Service, and identified gaps in the information available as well as common sub-topics for this service. We then built a landing page for the Bizbang website that included a brief explanation for “What is PCaaS” and then provided background on the growth of the service as well as the benefits and drawbacks for businesses interested in PCaaS. Links to additional resources were added to help visitors to the page access other related news and informational sources. In addition, a “How It Works” infographic was added to the page that outlines the services in a visual format. Internal linking was added throughout the client’s website as well as the client’s sister website using PCaaS, PC as a Service and other semantically similar anchor text. A blog post was put on the sister site, with links to the new BizBang page as well. The client also reached out to partners and vendors to encourage backlinks to the page.


Landing page on PCaaS for Bizbang IT solutions


Within days of launch the new Bizbang landing page was ranking #3 for “What is PCaaS”, and on page two of the Google search results for “PCaaS”. Within 2 weeks, the page was ranking #2 only behind Wikipedia for “What is PCaaS”, and 5th in the Google search results for “PCaaS”. It also ranked on page one in Google for “PC as a Service.” In less than a month, the new landing page alone had increased traffic to the site by almost 34%.


Analytics graphic showing quick increase in traffic after launch of page


Page one search result for Bizbang PCaaS10


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